Survey of Publish Subscribe Event Systems

This presentation contains the summary of the paper of the same title. The paper primarily discusses about existing publish subscribe systems and how each of them differs from the rest.

A computer science researcher in search of a comprehensive summary of publish-subscribe system may find the paper (and this summary) useful. Additionally, the paper can provide some conceptual information and knowledge for software engineers implementing or about to implement a event-based pubsub system.

You can download the presentation from the link below:

Survey of Publish Subsribe Event Systems (3123 downloads )

What We Can Do in The Cloud (Part 2)

This presentation was made back in 2010. Some parts of the content may have been irrelevant or obsolete as the technology progresses. However, this presentation can still be helpful especially for those who want to look closer into cloud computing concept and its implementation.

This is the last presentation from the series about cloud computing introduction. This part contains information about Google App Engine (GAE) and Hadoop quick-starts. Those who are interested in building their applications on top of GAE PaaS may find this presentation helpful. Obviously GAE has undergone some changes since 2010. So, please reflect to their changes accordingly. Similarly, those who are Hadoop first-timers may be curious about the its concept and how to use it in the big data realm.

You can download the presentation from the link below:

What We Can Do in the Cloud (Part 2) (1225 downloads )

What We Can Do in The Cloud (Part 1)

This presentation was made back in 2010. Some parts of the content may have been irrelevant or obsolete as the technology progresses. However, this presentation can still be helpful especially for those who want to look closer into cloud computing concept and its implementation.

This is the first part of two presentations about cloud computing introduction I prepared back then. The primary intention was to give students some basic ideas about cloud computing project they could work on by providing pointers and resources they might use in their projects. This presentation highlights cloud services, virtualization concept and provides some information on how to use some cloud service offerings like those provided by Amazon through Amazon Web Services (AWS), Eucalyptus through Eucalyptus Community Cloud and Github through its Git repository service.

You can download the presentation from the link below:

What We Can Do in the Cloud (Part 1) (1303 downloads )

Yes, More Technology and Computer Science Related Contents Are Coming

During my research time back in the graduate school, I created presentations for papers I was reading. There were also some presentations I made for my own research purpose or classes where I assisted the teachings. Originally these resources were available at my personal webpage hosted by my research lab. However, somehow these resources have become inaccessible.

I believe that those resources will be helpful for computer science graduate students or those who are interested in the subjects elaborated through the presentations. I added new category, “Computer Science” that will primarily contain “serious reading materials” including the presentations I mentioned earlier or other articles related to computer science. Each post will be dedicated only for single presentation or article. This way, the discussion will be more focused and I can better respond the gleaning interests on the subject.

All presentations are provided in PDF format, if you want the original format in PPT, feel free to drop me a request through email.

You can expect that this will set the precedence for more technology related posts, either theoretical or practical to flow into this blog again.

What Is Your Java IDE?

After a long break in posting in this technology blog, I will start sharing things with you again. This time, I’ll start with a simple topic: Java IDE. Following this post, I hope I can share lots more useful and exciting stuff for you.

I have been a long fan of Eclipse IDE. For some Java developers, Eclipse can be a religion that is taken for granted. There are obviously some reasons behind this. Eclipse is free thus saving the souls of those who really count each penny they spend for their toys. Additionally, its richness in third party plugins, which is an equivalent expression for broad range of support from software/API vendors, oftentimes make Eclipse the first choice of Java IDE.

Nevertheless, you may agree with me that one aspect Eclipse is lacking is the usability. When talking about usability, I don’t necessarily mean the interface is horrible. Eclipse is intuitive enough and it can satisfy most of your development needs, until one point where you think you should find another alternative. I have found out that Eclipse can be cumbersome when it is used for multi-module big Java projects. To be more specific, big, multi-module Java projects that use Maven for the build management instead of ant do not really play satisfyingly well under Eclipse.

Recently, I started using IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE from JetBrains. I don’t want to excessively praise this IDE but there are some rooms where this IDE rocks and beats Eclipse, severely and predominantly. In Eclipse for example, it is not straightforward to create a hierarchical multi-module POM-based projects. In contrast, multi-module hierarchical POM-based projects are easy to create in IntelliJ IDEA. IntelliJ IDEA’s intellisense, or auto-complete feature, is also awesome. The breadth of languages and XML structure it supports is unexpected. Coding Groovy in Eclipse can be non-intuitive but IntelliJ IDEA provides seamless intellisense support for Groovy. Even the POM file structure can easily created, modified, and analyzed with the builtin intellisense. The presence of this feature will undoubtedly increase your productivity. There are some other nice features but I will let you find them by trying this IDE by yourself if you haven’t got your hands dirty with it before.

Now, back to the original question. What is your Java IDE? And let’s make this question more interesting: What is the best Java IDE that you ever knew?