Research Papers

Prior to jumping full time to entrepreneurial bandwagon, I spent some good years conducting research. I primarily focused on cloud computing and distributed computing, and the application of the cloud/distributed computing paradigm in the healthcare system.

I have also been performing research during my entrepreneurship years. The main difference with my previous days as a researcher is that the research has been mostly practical and pragmatic, spanning various application domains for Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI). I have been absent from publishing papers these recent years and only plan to publish one in the future through an open platform such as arXiv.

Here is the list of the published papers, which I believe are mostly open access or downloadable.

  1. XDS-I gateway development for HIE connectivity with legacy PACS at Gil Hospital. Healthcare Informatics Research 19.4 (2010): 294-300.
  2. Towards Constraint-based High Performance Cloud System in the Process of Cloud Computing Adoption in an Organization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.4952 (2010).
  3. An Architectural Design for Brokered Collaborative Content Delivery System. arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.3347 (2010).
  4. Feasibility Study and Experience on Using Cloud Infrastructure and Platform for Scientific Computing. Handbook of Cloud Computing (2010): 535-551.
  5. XML Query Processing and Query Languages: A Survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.1147 (2010).
  6. On Feasibility of Enterprise Cloud for Scientific Computing. Korean Information Science Society Journal 36.1B (2009): 372-377.
  7. A Model for QoS-Aware Service Oriented Architecture in the Realm of Content Delivery. IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (2009): 262-266.