Energy has been an important subject these recent years. While some people are advocating more efficient and sustainable use of energy through the green energy movement, some scientific and engineering fields should include efficient energy usage into the equation in order to provide an effective solution. One of these fields is wireless sensor network. Wireless sensor network is a subdomain of distributed system. The network consists of distributed nodes that communicate one another wirelessly. As the name entitles, nodes are equipped with sensing capability (humidity, temperature, air pressure, etc) and these sensed data should be delivered to a collecting point, which is usually named sink node, to be processed later. Unlike traditional network that is connected to sufficient power-supply, nodes in wireless sensor network (other than sink node) are usually restricted to energy-constraint. The nodes are mostly powered by battery packages and due to the placement of these nodes in topographically challenging area, frequent battery replacement is undesirable. Thus, it is imperative to involve efficient energy usage in the design.
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Category Archives: Whitepapers
Whitepaper – An Introduction to Private Cloud
As the word “cloud computing” becomes more ubiquitous these days, several questions can be raised ranging from basic question like the definitions of a cloud and cloud computing to more tempting questions like architecture of cloud infrastructure and implementation of cloud computing to solve complex, data-intensive compute problems.
Concerns raised over the cloud computing are mainly related on how secure and reliable the cloud is to support enterprise-level requirements. The notion of offloading data and process to third party infrastructure or software providers in cloud computing may not be a sound idea in the enterprise realm. This article will briefly summarize private cloud, a type of cloud environment which is designed to be run with stringent requirements that may fit the enterprise-level SLAs.
Download the full article here: An Introduction to Private Cloud (9155 downloads )
Querying XML Documents, Revisiting Existing Languages and Methodologies
These days in the web 2.0 era, we are using XML extensively. We use xml on our browser, to represent the hypertext. We use xml in our most recent MS Word documents. We use XML in web services. We use XML in our AJAX applications. To the bigger scale, the enterprise, we also use XML in the service oriented architecture implementation.We fall onto XML as our first choice for universal data format. And also databases?
As a plain text data representation, XML should incur extra overhead for the size and processing time. Indexing XML documents is also another issue, not to mention providing relational data on top of XML documents. Building pure XML database is non-trivial, hence we hardly find implementation for such. However, given all the disadvantages of utilizing XML as the database, is it still possible to do basic database functionality for XML documents?
Fortunately, the answer is yes.
I provide a paper containing my survey to existing approaches to querying XML documents and achieving database functionality over XML documents. Although the structure of the paper may be inclined to academic domain, i think it will still be useful for developer who is looking for quick hindsight for such matter.
You can download the paper from the link below:
XML Query Processing and Query Languages: A Survey (5604 downloads )
Whitepaper: More On Ajax Internals and Their Related Issues
As a set of technologies, AJAX is built on top of components interconnected to serve a better web experience. The components of AJAX are stylesheet language, javascript, DOM, and XML. This whitepaper will discuss each component and present issues pertaining to its deployment. For more profound and detailed discussion, readers are welcome to visit the cited references or find other reliable sources.
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More On Ajax Internals and Their Related Issues (7435 downloads )
Whitepaper: Some Issues on Ajax Invocation
In today’s modern web a.k.a web 2.0, we have seen how Ajax is used to provide more responsive web applications thus giving better user experience. However, as each technology always springs up new problem with its invocation, the same also applies to Ajax.
This whitepaper will give brief overview about issues related to Ajax invocation. More profound discussion and detailed explanation can be found in the cited references or other publications.
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Some Issues on Ajax Invocation (6196 downloads )