If you are doing frontend development nowadays, you may have heard about ReactJS or may be actively using it in your projects. Introduced to the public five years ago, React has transformed into a library of choice for a lot of frontend developers that is easily certified by the enormous stars at its Github page (more than 100,000 stars). React was relicensed into MIT license almost a year ago, which only catapulted its popularity into a new high. The MIT license is a more commercial friendly license compared to the BSD + patents license that was previously used by React.
Creating a frontend project is easy with the help of scaffolding tools and boilerplates. Among the available choices is create-react-app, a React bootstrapping utility that takes care the laborious tasks of setting up a React project without much intervention about how the project should be structured. Given this nature, create-react-app is less assumed a boilerplate and more of a toolkit. Continue reading